Murari The Mad Gentleman new movies
Posted by Unknown
Posted on 11:35:00 PM
Cast: Asrani, Sanjay Singh, Kiran Sharad, Surender Singh Rajan
Direction: Suzad Iqbal Khan
Genre: Comedy
Duration: 1 hour 48 minutes
Direction: Suzad Iqbal Khan
Genre: Comedy
Duration: 1 hour 48 minutes
Story: Murari, a blabbermouth, is the cause of havoc in his village. As the title suggests, the 'mad gentleman' drives people insane. He is considered a local menace and villagers do their best to 'cure' him.
Review: If the plot description doesn't explain it well enough, here's a reiteration of the same - it is by far one of most inane films ever made in Bollywood. Anyone who has the patience to survive this, deserves a gallantry award. When our hero - Murari makes his first entry, the whole village is seen avoiding him. The same point is driven home repeatedly, till it becomes a long running gag. He doesn't suffer from any particular mental disorder. Despite repeated suggestions, the villagers prefer taking him to a 'tantrik' than to a doctor.
There is a needless love/friendship track, when the protagonist falls in love with an American girl named Jenny. The romance is hardly a value-addition to the story. Besides the fact that the story is scattered, the main problem with it is that the characters seem far from real. From the word go, you are bored to care about any of them. Even Murari, the protagonist, is more annoying than affable. Even when the film reaches its climax and tilts in his favour, you are beyond caring.
The climax has a human twist which is hard to buy. Murari's 'madness' is redeemed by his noble work (that is best reserved for the film). But the most heart-breaking thing here is that actors par excellence are meted out unfortunate parts. You feel bad to associate a veteran actor like Asrani as a part of such a forgettable cast.
As you battle dreariness while watching the movie, it is hard to not ponder about the quality of cinema in our country. Has it really improved?
Murari The Mad Gentleman doesn't deserve to be called a film. It is an amateurish compilation of bad screenplay, terrible dialogues and dreadful performances. Due to the lack of better adjectives describe the movie, it would be strictly advisable if you give this revolting so-called-work-of-art, a miss.