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Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice (English) Cast & Crew: Banner:Status Released Release Date:25 Mar 2016 Genre:Action Producer:...

Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice (English) Cast & Crew:

Release Date:25 Mar 2016


Producer:Charles Roven
Deborah Snyder

Star Cast:
Ben Affleck.... Bruce Wayne / Batman
Henry Cavill.... Clark Kent / Superman
Amy Adams.... Lois Lane
Jesse Eisenberg.... Lex Luthor
Diane Lane.... Martha Kent
Laurence Fishburne.... Perry White
Jeremy Irons.... Alfred Pennyworth
Holly Hunter.... Finch
Story / Writers
David S. Goyer
Censor Details:
Censor Dates
Not Available.
Censor Certificate No
Not Available.
Not Available.
Not Available.
Not Available.

What an adversarial time this is. Hulk Hogan versus Gawker. “The People v. O. J. Simpson.” Bernie versus Hillary. Trump versus Everybody. And now Batman versus Superman. One of these things is not like the others, I know. Two of the most famous good guys in pop culture can’t really be enemies, can they? The Gotham Bat and the Man of Steel inhabit the same intellectual-property universe, and the fight between them is, depending on how you look at it, either a diabolical stunt cooked up by Lex Luthor or a cynical cash grab engineered by DC and Warner Brothers.

Still, these two founding figures of the modern comic-book cosmos, whose paths have sometimes crossed over the years, display some potentially interesting contrasts of temperament and background. Superman is an immigrant, a working journalist, an idealist and a devoted participant in a long-running office romance. Batman is an alienated rich kid, a perpetual bachelor with a dark view of human nature. He has no natural ability to leap a tall building in a single bound, and so must rely on intelligence, ingenuity and a limitless fortune.

In “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice,” when Clark Kent (Henry Cavill) looks at a television screen and sees a child trapped in a burning building halfway around the world, he strips down and flies away to rescue her. When Bruce Wayne (Ben Affleck) discovers sexual predators or human traffickers, he suits up and brands their flesh with his winged bat logo.

A diverting entertainment might have been made about the rivalry between these two muscle-bound paladins — a bromance or a buddy comedy, an album of duets. “Batman v Superman,” directed by Zack Snyder (“300,” “Watchmen,” “Sucker Punch,” “Man of Steel”), is none of those things. It is about as diverting as having a porcelain sink broken over your head (one of the more amusing things that happens onscreen). In keeping with current business imperatives, what Mr. Snyder has concocted is less a free-standing film than the opening argument in a very long trial. Its two-and-a-half-hour running time — not so much a “dawn” as an entire morning spent watching the clock in anticipation of lunchtime — is peppered with teasers for coming sequels. You may have heard a rumor that Wonder Woman shows up, or caught sight of her in a trailer for the film. And here she is, played by Gal Gadot.